Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Our Wedding: The Red Bird

In honor of my dad's birthday today I thought I would share how we are going to be remembering him on our wedding day. It's extremely hard to figure out how to commemorate someone who should be such a huge part of your wedding. Not only is it really sad, but it's hard to know the right way to do it. My sister got married last September and found a really neat way to represent our dad in her ceremony. My dad was a firefighter, so she put his firefighter hat on the chair next to my mom where my dad would have been sitting. I think it really touched everyone's hearts who were at the wedding, especially those who knew my dad.

To go along with that, Josh & I will be incorporating the red bird. A while back my Nana shared with me, The Legend of the Red Bird. I'm not exactly sure of how the legend goes, but basically when someone in our family sees a red bird we remember my dad and are reminded that he's looking down on us. So, throughout our ceremony and reception I plan on incorporating red birds. It's amazing how many times I've seen an actual red bird since hearing the legend. In the dead of winter even. I think it's God's way of reminding me of His perfect plan. Here's a picture I took last November of a red bird I happened to see. You may have to look pretty close to see it!

I'm not exactly sure if these will be the only ways we remember my dad at our wedding, but so far this is what we have planned.

Happy Birthday Daddy!


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